Kierkegaard – naš suvremenik, Vijenac 607. 8. lipnja 2017.
Što poslije kraja čovjeka? Recenzija knjige Posthumano stanje – Zarez, 2012.
Recenzija Tomislava Škrbića knjige SUVIŠAN ČOVJEK, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2021.
Marko Paradžik – razgovor s prof. Žarkom Paićem – 2017.
Žarko Paić: TRIJUMF POLITIČKIH RELIGIJA – Politika identiteta i sumrak kulture danas
Što je to postimperijalna suverenost? Uz Nomos zemlje – Carl Schmitt i kritičko čitanje Hanne Arendt
Suverenost kao nomos politike: Rousseau i Schmitt
Nihilizam i povijest – što je preostalo od postmoderne?
Tehnika i duša – José Ortega y Gasset i pitanje o smislu umjetnosti
Zajednica bez uvjeta: o dekonstrukciji subjekta moderne politike
Žarko Paić the anti-theology of the new event: Alain Badiou and the contingency of politics – 2020.
Neoliberalism, Oligarchy and the Politics of the Event: At the Edge of Chaos – Političke perspektive 2020.
IZGLEDI POLITIČKOGA: O Europi, Građanskome ratu i kraju suverenosti
Žarko Paić: Melankolija i revolucija – Kultura u postkomunističkom opsadnome stanju
Doba Oligarhije – Hrčak
Posthumano stanje: kraj čovjeka i mogućnosti druge povijesti – Goodreads
Kapitalizam 21. stoljeća: Djela Foucaulta, Nussbauma i Paića
Interview Natasa Petrinjak za Zarez
ŽARKO PAIĆ: Tehnosfere; svibanj 2019.
Što je ostalo od Kierkegaarda? Glas Slavonije 9.9.2017.
Živimo u uvjetnoj slobodi i bezuvjetnome ropstvu Tportal 16.7.2016.
‘Događa nam se hibridna forma desnog populizma’ Tportal 5.5.2016.
Zašto je David Bowie bio tako moćan i važan umjetnik? Tportal 13.1.2016.
‘Pred nama je doba stvarnog kreativnoga kaosa’ Tportal 29.10.2013.
Spektakl dobrovoljnog ropstva – Monitor 1.10.2010.
Žarko Paić: „Neiskazivost: O mišljenju kao pisanju“
Homo Kybernetes. From Onto-Genesis to the Posthuman condition
Meat and sand: De-worldization of the Image and the Affective Logic of the Body in the Painting of Francis Bacon – Deleuze’s Insight
Synaesthetic Without Sensitivity? The Body as a Technological Construction
Who are We? On the Victory and Defeat of Metapolitics without a Subject
Aura, Technology, and the Work of Art in Walter Benjamin
Singularity, Aisthesis and Artwork Postscript on Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s Philosophy of Posthuman Art
Apocalypse and Body Transgression: On Picasso’s Crucifixion (1930)
What does it mean to be an alien? Bernhard Waldenfels and Politics of responsive interculturalism
Synaesthetic Without Sensitivity? The Body as a Technological Construction
An-Arché as the Voice of the People: Jacques Rancière and the Politics of Disagreement
Sveučilište i tehnosfera: Kraj humanistike i mogućnosti obrata?
Film kao mišljenje: Deleuzeova »ontologija slika«
Što je to postimperijalna suverenost? Uz Nomos zemlje – Carl Schmitt i kritičko čitanje Hanne Arendt
Messianic Triumph of Ethics? Emmanuel Lévinas and the aporia in the thinking of the Other
German Theory: Bildwissenschaft and the Iconic Turn
Aura, Technology, and the Work of Art in Walter Benjamin
The Permanent Condition of War-And-Peace: From the Total Mobilization to the Absolute Construction of the Event
What does it mean to be an alien? Bernhard Waldenfels and politics of responsive interculturalism
An-Arché as the Voice of the People: Jacques Rancière and the Politics of Disagreement
Što je to postimperijalna suverenost? Uz Nomos zemlje – Carl Schmitt i kritičko čitanje Hanne Arendt
Messianic Triumph of Ethics? Emmanuel Lévinas and the aporia in the thinking of the Other
The Permanent Condition of War-And-Peace: From the Total War-And-Peace to the Absolute Construction of the Event

EstLab – Tehnosfera i “transcendiranje” života – u razgovoru sa Žarkom Paićem – 1. lipnja 2021.

Prvo događanje sekcije TEHNOSFERA Estetičkog laboratorija (EstLaba) Filozofskog fakulteta Osijek održalo se putem FFOS-ove Zoom platforme u utorak, 1. lipnja 2021..  Naš gost bio je ŽARKO PAIĆ, sveučilišni profesor, sociolog i filozof, autor brojnih radova i knjiga iz filozofije, sociologije, teorije kulture i suvremene umjetnosti, teorije znanosti, medija itd., glavni urednik utjecajnog časopisa TVRĐA (, te zamjenik glavnog urednika renomiranog godišnjaka EUROPSKI GLASNIK… Žarko je i autor petoknjižja naslovljenog Tehnosfera – svojevrsne ontologije digitalnog doba – po kojem je ova sekcija EstLab-a i dobila svoj naziv!Moderatori razgovora sa Žarkom Paićem: Boris Bosančić, Milijana Mičunović i Davorin Ćuti.

Lecture by Žarko Paić entitled IMAGE, BRAIN, CHAOS: From digital perception to the power of technosphere (2020.)

Dean Komel z Žarkom Paićem: Tehnosfera-humanost-poezija (2022.)

The conversation on November 29, 2022, at the City Hotel was held as part of the Ljubljana Meetings and Humanistic Correspondence organized by INR. After the discussion, Žarko Paić and Andrej Božič also presented the October issue of Tvrđa magazine and the June issue of Phainomena magazine, dedicated to “Hermeneutics in literature”. Dean Komel spoke with Žarko Paić about the publication of his book “Misljenje in brezno zgodovine” – from Metaphysics to the Technosphere, which was translated into Slovak by Samo Krušič, and was published by INR. Žarko Paić, professor of aesthetics at the University of Zagreb, is the author of numerous books in the field of social and humanities, such as “Slika berez sveta”, “Posthuman state”, “The age of oligarchy”, “Technosphere I-V”, “Nihilism in modernity”, editor of the magazine Tvrđa, and co-editor of the European Herald. the understanding of modern philosophy has a special place in this framework. Paić thinks about the possibility of the coming philosophy after its essence is realized in the triad of metaphysics, cybernetics and transhumanism. It should not be specifically mentioned that it is an attempt to pave the path to thinking, which according to Heidegger and Deleuze no longer represents itself, that the future is open to philosophy and that it can easily fill a plural series i.e. the philosophy of technoscience, film, culture, visuality, etc. The book of selected essays Opinion in the Void of History – from metaphysics to the Technosphere includes a systematic theoretical analysis of the fundamental problem of modern times, how to convince freedom as a possibility of human meaning, because the destructive power of the technosphere network appears as an immanent transcendence of artificial living, which turns all alternatives into pseudo-utopias and illusory actions of the world of the living. Institute of New Review, Institute for Humanities, organizes Ljubljana Meetings and Humanistic Correspondences within the framework of its program P6-0341, Humanistics and the meaning of humanity in aspects of historicity and modernity, project J7-4631, Hermeneutic problem of understanding human existence and coexistence in the epoch nihilism and infrastructure program I0-0036, Center for the Promotion of Humanities.

EstLab – Tehnosfera i “transcendiranje” života – u razgovoru sa Žarkom Paićem – 1. lipnja 2021.

The first event of the TECHNOSPHERE section of the Aesthetic Laboratory (EstLab) of the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek was held via FFOS’s Zoom platform on Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Our guest was ŽARKO PAIĆ, university professor, sociologist and philosopher, author of numerous works and books on philosophy , sociology, theory of culture and contemporary art, theory of science, media, etc., editor-in-chief of the influential magazine TVRĐA (, and deputy editor-in-chief of the renowned yearbook EUROPSKI GLASNIK… Žarko is also the author of a five-book book entitled Technosphere – a kind of ontologies of the digital age – after which this section of EstLab got its name! Moderators of the conversation with Žarko Paić: Boris Bosančić, Milijana Mičunović and Davorin Ćuti.

Symposium: Žarko Paić (HTV 3, 2015.)

Does aesthetics still exist as a philosophical discipline or does it, by its essential definition, just like art history, belong to the past? Can we still use the classical philosophical apparatus of understanding art today at all, or do we have to apply a completely new “grammar and syntax” when understanding art? Does aesthetics lose its object and no longer question the concept of beauty? For Heidegger, the paradigmatic art was poetry, for Benjamin, Deleuze, photography and film. Is it performance itself today? Ph.D. talks about aesthetics in the “Symposium”. Žarko Paić, professor at the Faculty of Textile Technology in Zagreb.

Treća zemlja: tehnosfera i umjetnost (2014.)

The relationship between technology and art is one of the most important issues of today. How to think about art in the age of the technosphere in which it no longer depicts or represents existing worlds? How can we open up a space for thinking about art as an experience of freedom and emergence, what is the performative-conceptual turn of contemporary art, and is there a third country for man, beyond dystopian reality and utopian longing? In the conversation with the guests, Miško Šuvaković and Žarko Paić, the author of the just-published book Treća zemlja, the aforementioned topics were discussed. (TV)