In this book, we try to rethink totalitarianism as an event, and as an event in an emphatic sense, as a "singular event" following the insights of contemporary event philosophers (Arendt, Heidegger, Deleuze and others). This ontological structure of totalitarianism does not allow it to be studied in an "objective way": therefore, this event, in what is most characteristic of it, remains inaccessible to both social sciences and (traditional) political philosophy. But this inaccessibility can remain unnoticed and overlooked, precisely as the forgetting of the being of totalitarianism, under the great burden of knowledge acquired about totalitarianism. The question mark that Paić put in the title of his book also means a great obligation, an obligation to reflect: everything that needs to be known about this topic should be said, but also what is not yet known, what has not yet been said, or at least is perceived as such. . And indeed, in this extensive book, the author will present the insights of the most influential researchers on all essential segments of the reality of totalitarianism: politics, ideology, propaganda, terror, camps, total state, community of subjects, total mobilization and control, leader and party, etc.