The Age of Oligarchy
From Information Economy to Event Politics
There are many questions that trouble the thinking man - a still existing, but "rare animal". Especially, of course, the one who is still interested in philosophy. Philosophy, what is it? This is the still existing remnant of the so-called humanities. We still have philosophy faculties, social and humanities departments at these institutions, but we should seriously ask ourselves: is there still philosophy? Is there a responsible, free, critical thinking that asks what is wrong with man and his world today? However, how do you stand when a Mephistophelian problem breaks through from the Subconscious: "And what when there is nothing 'behind'?" When the all-encompassing idea of life is realized in the so-called reality? When is that? This diabolical question is faced by Žarko Paić in his – again and again – opus magnum book The Age of Oligarchy. From information economy to event politics. We live in "oligarchy regimes", not democratic orders. This is roughly how Jacques Rancière will diagnose the life-world situation. Paić, as a zealous investigator of the ontology of the world we live in, builds on that thesis.