Posthuman State
The end of man and the possibility of another history
Posthuman state: The End of Man and the Possibilities of Another History; deals with the philosophical analysis of posthumanism as a new paradigm, which today represents the greatest challenge for the interdisciplinary reflection of the relationship between contemporary science, technology, society, politics and art. In dialogue and interpretation of the key thinkers of our time (Heidegger, Derrida, Deleuze, Bataille, Agamben), the author tries to develop a thesis about the subversion of the metaphysical conception of history within the very thinking about development/progress as a realization of the techno-scientific structure of life. The end of man is not his factual end as a spiritual being of freedom, but the end of biologically determined "fate" and from that horizon derived humanism as a project of illusory human freedom. At the same time, art as an event proves to be the only true alternative to the rule of the technosphere in all areas of human history.