
Opinion as an Event

How to Read Deleuze
The conceptual power of creating new sets of thought structures with which to directly or indirectly retrieve the real situation in today's networked societies, as well as in predicting what connects human thinking with artificial intelligence, opens the possibility that reading Deleuze is not performed in any dialectical or hermeneutic key. What is essential in these endeavors is the attempt of synthetic insight into transversal thinking. After Hegel and Heidegger - the peak of absolute metaphysics and its overcoming in the primordial thinking of the second beginning - transversal thinking represents a truly third way. It is a path that ungrounds Western philosophy in its interweaving with art and science by redirecting it into the singular event of life as immanence. Through ten studies and four chapters, the book does not follow any chronotopian adventure of Deleuze from the early to the late of his writings, independent and those signed with Felix Guattari. For this reason, it cannot be considered a monographic presentation of his opinion within French poststructuralism. It includes a reading of Deleuze starting from the network of complex meanings of his concepts, a strange syncretic analysis from the Stoics to Spinoza, Leibniz, Nietzsche and Bergson, which he incorporated in an original way into contemporary philosophy and social-humanities. The greatness of a thinker lies in finding the language of new thought. With it, the insight into the historical epochal nature of the battle is shown in such a way that in the dizzying speed of the virtual actualization of life, it is exposed by images as visualized concepts. The modernity of the 21st century will be measured by the power of thinking, which will have the ability to resist the technoscientific construction of the worlds. But not by rejecting this planetary-global technologization, but primarily by the fact that new thinking must find traces of its third path between the rule of cybernetics as artificial intelligence and the technogenesis of aesthetic design. Opinion can never be a mere copy of reality, nor can only pragmatic goals be achieved with it. What makes thinking a virtual becoming of a singular event is the orientation into the time dimension of the coming future. From it, each of our moments here and now acquires a different meaning, even when, as in theories of deterministic chaos, everything is connected with everything, and even when some other and different hand of fate is hidden in all of this. To think an event of such singularity means, with Deleuze, almost platonically elevating thinking itself to the rank of the absolute production of fractally determined worlds.
23 X 15 cm
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