Aporias of political and politics
After all, what is political and politics as such? Nothing but a monstrous event- a case of freedom on which the fate of human life in history depends. Political precedes politics because it is a condition for the possibility of action in order to realize freedom, equality and justice. On the other hand, politics takes place in the necessity of conflict between acting subjects/actors because it is a question of striving for rule in a community as a nation-state, an empire, a network of events that no longer has a centre or an edge. Therefore, the "essence" of the political as a space of freedom and politics as an accumulation of power no longer takes place in the distinction between state and society. What is our destiny refers to the "large space" (Groβraum), as defined by Carl Schmitt in the "Nomos of the Earth", in which the old boundaries between continents and modernly understood sovereignty disappear.